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Hand & Foot Care and Physiotherapy Center

Pes Line Hand & Foot Care and Physiotherapy Center is a care center operating in Şanlıurfa Region.

Cerrahi Eldiven Takan Doktor

Pes Line Hand & Foot Care and Physiotherapy Center

   PES LINEAs a Medical Hand Foot Care & Physiotherapy Counseling Center, our center, which works with Podologists who are experts in their fields and trained in foot health, was established in 2015. In addition to the medical foot care services provided in our organization, scientific and R&D studies are also carried out on foot pressure analysis, personalized insoles production, preventive therapy applications for foot health, and consultancy on these issues.

   Podologist Semra KİRİŞÇİ, the founder of our center, in this adventure that started in 2015, our center, which focuses on success and service, has added Rehabilitation Counseling and Rehabilitation services to its Podology services. continues to serve with a holistic approach. In terms of the quality of our services, Medical Hand Foot Care Specialist Lecturer, who is an academic staff member at Harran University and has Companies within TEKNOKENT for research and development studies, in order to make our center's academic consultancy and training continuous. See.M. Şerif KIRİŞCIand Specialist Physiotherapist Lect. See.İsmail PALALIstarted working with our teachers.

Our Expert Staff

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